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By Jane Robinson
On the last day of summer 2021 the PCA held its AGM. It was a light turnout due to conflicting arrangements like rescheduled COVID delayed weddings, sadly a fatal road accident blocking the Putty Road and various unexpected life events. I guess the upside was it was easy to achieve our COVID Plan social distancing requirements!

However, we had a jam packed agenda. The first order of business was to accept the Treasurers reportand despite the almost total lack of activity at the Putty Hall in 2020 due to COVID, the PCA is in a sound financial position with 2 x $10,000 term deposits in tack and generous post 2019/20 fires grants from the
Salvation Army $2,000 (to support a community concert) and $16,000 from Singleton Council to keep the Putty Hall ship shape and available for community events.
That was followed by the election of PCA Committee Office bearers for 2021 with the following results:
Jane Robinson – President
Andy Edwards– Vice President
David Hope - Treasurer
Ken Ferguson - Trust Officer
Anthony Robinson - Secretary/ Public Officer
Lyn Norijke - Assistant Secretary
Martha Babineau - Publicity Officer
Judy Hobson was appointed to manage website.

We are all very excited to welcome Lynn and Anthony on to the PCA Committee and we are really looking
forward to working with you both to make Putty an even better place to live, work and rest!
Sadly, both Judy Hobson and Dora Bustamante felt that the time was right for them to contribute to Putty life in a different way in 2021 and a BIG vote of thanks for their enduring efforts on the PCA Committee was offered by all present at the meeting.

Tim Spooner then provided an update on the Putty Community Connectedness Grant application (mentioned in Feb 2021 Putty People). This is a very exciting opportunity for the PCA to receive up to $38,000 in grant funding to help rebuild the Putty Community following the 2019/2020 fire season through a program of social events, meaningful learning opportunities and the purchase of some big ticket items forthe Putty Hall (like commercial stove and dishwasher). The PCA will need to provide funding for other key infrastructure projects to support the Connectedness program e.g., fix the roof over the supper room and improve the floor and walls in the kitchen etc. Some of the Singleton Council grant received earlier in 2020
has been earmarked for these projects. Kindly Tim agreed to support the PCA Committee by coordinating building works and large equipment purchases. Following the AGM the PCA Committee submitted the final grant application and now we are waiting for the good news!

It was agreed that the Friday night Detour would resume as soon as we know what is happing with any potential Putty Hall renovations – WATCH THIS SPACE!

The Putty Spring Fair will be held on Sunday 3 Oct 2021 and Julie Milliard will help the PCA Committee with a governance review.

So, we need your feedback and would love to hear from you:

1) What would you like the PCA to include in the 2021/22 Putty Community Connectedness Program?

2) Do you have time and / or talent you could share with the Putty Community to the PCA?

Let’s catch up soon!